Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Where Do I Find an Independent Woman?

26-year-old Bill from Ohio writes,

Hi Chauntel,

Ok. Where do I find a good looking, intelligent, open-minded, independent, strong-willed girl that won't depend on me to "make her happy" or keep her entertained 24/7 and how do I approach her? I would also like ther to understand that I have a life, responsibilities and need time just to myself. :) Thanks alot!

Hello Bill,

You are very wise in the way you are seeking this woman out. It is important for the two people in the relationship to have a "life" outside of their relationship.

I don't mean people need to live double lives...haha.. What I mean is it is important for the two people to have their independence in order for them to be good for each other when they are together.

There is not a specific place that you meet this girl physically. However, mentally she must meet you.

How will you find a girl who will meet you mentally? You need to find a girl with a passion. If she is passionate about something she will understand that you need time to yourself because she will need time to herself as well, as she seeks and fulfills her passion.

Where will you find this girl? Most likely in a working environment and maybe even online. Now don't get me wrong it also possible to meet her in a bar, at a party, at a friends house, etc. but there are much better places for you to visit that will help you find what you are looking for.

Although, as I said before it is about meeting her mentally. Try seeking this "woman" out in some type of work environment or on a college campus. This way you know she has a drive to get somewhere or do something productive with her life. If she is working or going to school it means she is driven.

If you meet a girl at a bar it's alittle tougher to determine if she is particualarly passionate about something productive.

Also, online is a great option for you. Some of the people who create online dating accounts do so because they are so tied up with doing other things they really can't find much time to date. However, it is still important to them. Therefore, they put it on their "to do list," so to speak, and they go online for dating!

You need an independent woman who wants to incorporate you into her life.

I Hope This Helps!


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