Monday, August 19, 2013

I Want Out of My Relationship

Darrah writes,

Hi Chauntel!

I've had dreams about me kissing my friend,  but I've got a boyfriend. I do feel for my friend, but not in a love way. It's happened a couple of times and maybe its because I've been unsure.

If I want to break up with him because I never see him, and he's not good at the long distance thing. I live in Aberdare in Wales, and he lives in Newport about and hour and 45 minute drive so can you give me any help.

Hi Darrah,

When you dream it's your unconscious coming to light. However, conscious or not you have already made it clear that you are ready to let go of your boyfriend.

The distance doesn't make this any easier. There is no need to drag this out, whether or not you have feelings for your friend, if you want to let go of the realtionship you are in then you have to be brave and do it.

It is not fair to either you or your boyfriend to stay in this relationship if you do not have true feelings for him. So you have to be honest with him, and let him know how you feel, honestly and truly. You can do it. Just pick the appropriate place and time. I hope that you can do this in person. Try to wait until you see him before you break the news.

I Hope This Helps!

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