23-year-old Zayed from London writes:
Hi Chauntel,
I had a relationship with one Lithuanian girl she is 34 years old and am 23 . Well recently she left me just because am too caring about her saying she would like to have her own space for some time and later on i came to know that she is having affair with one arab guy and i saw her when they were moving arround in the park , but she thinks that i dont know about it.I felt very bad for myself and i was in depression for about an year as a matter of fact am still in depression , i coudnt come out of it , and certainly i feel have loss the confidence which i use to have before , self esteem about my over all looks coz i have dramatic changes in my personality which is making me feel am good for nothing, everytime i see her with him i really feel bad and depressed. I will be very greatfull to you, if you can advice me on this please. Thank You.
Hello Zayed,
It is in your best interest to take this time to focus on who you are and where you want to go with your life. It is not healthy for you to continue to focus on her and her relationship. I know that you really care about her, but you deserve to be happy.
To mend your broken heart you have to begin to do the things that you love again. Find a hobby or interest that will take your time and attention from focusing on her and her new relationship.
It is unfortunate that it ended this way for you, but it is better that she was honest with you than for her to cheat on you. I know that is it easier said than done, but it is time for you to pick yourself up and continue living life. Life is too short to worry and stress you must begin enjoying this gift of life that God has given you.
Get people around you that care about you and get involved in what makes you happy. You will soon find yourself revitalized and out of your depression. It is a mental choice that you make.
Choose happiness. Seek a therapist if your depression persist. You can even find therapy through talking to the people around you who care about you. I do.
I hope this helps!
Here is a video that is similar to your situation that may help:
I Hope This Helps!