Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Does She Want to Get Back Together?

20 -year-old Reg from South Carolina writes:

Does she want to get back together? Itz kinda hard to tell...

My GF and I met at a party while we were still in highschool during our senior year ('07 and we went to seperate schools) Couple months later prom came and we went together. About two or three months later, we decided to have a relationship. (Sometime in June) When October came around, she broke up with me saying she needed to cocentrate more on school. That and the fact that the college she goes to was 3 hrs. away. (yea, I was upset, but meh) Fast frorward to about the end of '08 and the beginning of '09, and she would call me sometimes asking me for advice and stuff. During this time she told me that she found out her current BF at the time had cheated on her. They are no longer together. My question to you is, is this a sign that she may want to get back together? (the frequent calls) I mean, there are no bad feelings between us and we got along just fine it's just that I don't want a repeat of what happened earlier. What do you think?

Hello Reg!

This is what I think is going on:

Yes, I believe that there is a possibility that she wants to get back with you.

If she isn’t alluding to getting back together, I wouldn’t assume that she is ready. Listen to her phrases, and try to get a better understanding of WHY she says what she does. Is she trying to hint that she is interested in you again, or is she trying to find a way to make her last relationship work again with your advice?? This is a question you need to ask yourself.

I know it may seem ludicrous that she might want this guy back, but she probably does.

More likely than not, she is coming to you with her problems because you all have so much history together. Therefore, she is comfortable with telling you things she may not be comfortable sharing with others. In that since you are there for her, and she trusts you. She may be taking advantage of that at this point.

My advice to you would be to wait it out whether or not she is trying to get back with you, because it is obvious she is not ready yet.

BUT if I where you I would try to move on. Long Distance relationships can work, but you need a lot of strength in your relationship for that. I don’t know that you all have that right now.


Saturday, January 3, 2009

My Bestfriend's Boyfriend Likes Me!

12-year-old Danelle Spencerage (codename) from Baltimore, Maryland writes:

Dear Chauntel,

I am in the 7th and like 2 boys at once. One tends to flirt with me a lot and he has a girlfriend who is also my best friend. One is a boy that I have like for years now and he does know. My "best friend" likes him to and stuff tissues in her bra, wears extra small pants, texts him everyday, and unbuttons her shirt two buttons and then hangs over him. he doesn't pay her any attention, but seems to pay me a lot. I try my best to stay away from him because I know that my "best friend" will get jealous. Then she started sending me threatening emails telling me to stay away from him! OHHHH!! Now we are cool and she has a boyfriend. Her boyfriend got held back a grade so he isn't in any of her classes. She then flirts with the boy we both like again! I really like him and he gave me an obvious hint of who he likes so I know it me! I"M GOING NUTS! What should I do.

Hello Danelle!

LEAVE YOUR BESTFRIEND'S BOYFRIEND ALONE! Ignore his flirting. If he continues, tell your bestfriend about it, because if you don't he may lie on you! Be careful how you tell her because she may be defensive about her man and not want to believe you!

It seems to me that your "best friend" isn't being much of a friend to you. Friends don't threaten one another. I suggest that you re-evaluate your friendship to see if your "best friend" is truly being a friend to you. I don't know her, but I believe you deserve a "better best friend," someone who is there for you and is concerned with your feelings and well-being.

As for the guy, he probably really does like you. In fact, most of time guys really like the girls who are modest. They mess around with the hoochies, but those are not the ones they keep close to them.

This is the thing. If you talk to the guy, you will most likely lose your best friend. You have to choose which relationship is more important to you. I say leave it be. MEANING LEAVE HIM ALONE TOO, if you feel that this girl is really your friend. The reason is because if you do end up being with the guy and it doesn't work out you loose your best friend. That wouldn't be worth it! There's plenty of guys find a better one! (:

I hope this helps!

If you guys have any questions please feel free to email me my email address is When you send in a question include:


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Thanks for reading!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Ask Chauntel Introduction

Hello All!

Thanks so much for your support in watching Ask Chauntel on "youtube." For those of you who have not watched the show you can check it out at

"Ask Chauntel" is my youtube channel where I give advice on dating relationships, family, fashion, education...whatever you need advice on.

I am beginning this blog in response to the overwhelming amount of wonderful questions I receive. I answer most of the questions via a youtube video. However, for more expedient responses, for viewers who want an answer more quickly, I will be answering their questions right here in a blog!

I am totally excited, and I hope you all enjoy it! If you have any questions please feel free to email me at! (:

Thanks Again,
